
Magnificent Krambambula

Magnificent Krambambula

It is infused on coffee beans with whole beans inside the bottle. You would be pleased and convenient to drink it!

Alcoholic content : alcoholic-2
Sweetness: means sugar content in the beverage (more crowns means a sweeter beverage)
Complexity: complexity-4


Product type: liqueur.

Alcoholic content: 20%.

Mass concentration of sugar: 16.0 g/100 сm3.

Mass concentration of the total extract: 16.0 g/100 сm3.

Bottle volume: 0.5 l.

Ingredients: treated potable water, ethyl alcohol rectified of Lux food raw materials, infusion of roasted natural coffee, sugar, coffee beans.

Appearance: transparent liquid with coffee beans introduced to the bottle. Presence of suspensions or sediment of coffee-beans particles is allowed.

Colour: light brown to dark brown.

Taste: harmonious, sweet with light coffee bitter.

Flavour: coffee.

Caloric value: 176.0 kcаl/100 сm3.


Ideal for preparation of Bedouin’s Smile cocktail.

Per 1 serving: 20 ml of Magnificent Krambambula, 30 ml of vodka, 50 ml of cold coffee, several drops of lemon juice, ice. Stir all the components, add ice.
Excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to your health